a proposal by V. Nagy Theme: Reinvent the Etsy Market with Low-Income Artists in Mind Issue: Sustainability, Economic Reforms Approach: Social Ecology and Sustainable Development Art Genre: Social Practice, Tactical Media Strategy: Intervene, Investigate Etsy has become a reliable way for artists the world over to share their craft andRead More →

a proposal by V. Nagy Theme: Sharing a Drink as an Opportunity to Build Community and a Mindfulness Practice Issue: Community Degradation, Deteriorating Mental Health Approach: Social Ecology, Human Ecology Art Genre: Installation, Event, Social Practice Strategy: Celebrate, Intervene George Mason University is a large college, with students from allRead More →

a project by V. Cline I will be focusing on the issues of energy and resources by proposing a social program for university students and elderly in high cost of living, metropolitan areas. This program, known as Partners in Care, will be mutually beneficial and will address the challenges facedRead More →

A project by Nader Abilmona This project works off the principles set forth by Time-banking, a time-credit transaction where the artists exchanged time and skills: the building of custom coffee table and the building of a website management source code were exchanged between the participants at the completion of theRead More →