Draw 2 Gnaw Open to all visitors: Art and Design Building. Local food potluck and collaborative food system drawing. All food grown, purchased, and prepared within a 50 mile radius of George Mason University campus. Homemade drawing charcoal made by Chris Rusinko. Food prepared and drawing initiated by Chris Rusinko, Anthony Frank, MelanieRead More →

Public local food potluck and movie night. All food grown, purchased, and prepared within a 50 mile radius of the George Mason University Campus. Films shown, Food Inc., and Dirt. Participants: Judy Almond, Andrew Kennedy, Tito Araujo, Brian Dang, Erika Santoyo, Valdy Sica, Shanna Carvell, Carrie Idol-Richards, Mark Cooley, Beth Hall, Celia Cooley & more… anRead More →

Ground Up: organic fair trade coffee Students from the School of Art agri-Arts course conduct a semester-long experiment in local gift economy, honor system ethics, and general caffeine tolerance levels in the School of Art student population by managing an organic fair trade coffee stand located two floors up fromRead More →

An empathy machine for humans and soil microbes. A healthy compost pile, just like a healthy body, must be well aerated. Built from surplussed university property by the 2010 AgriArts course for the SoA Green Studio. The Team: Judy Almond, Andrew Kennedy, Tito Araujo, Brian Dang, Erika Santoyo, Valdy Sica, Shanna Carvell, Carrie Idol-Richards. With much help fromRead More →

A table top garden located on the Art and Design Building lounge deck serves the faculty and staff by providing a space to grow salad greens and herbs. Makers: Tom Ashcraft, Mark Cooley, Peter Winant Growers: Susie Mueller, Mark CooleyRead More →