Tag: permaculture

SporaStudios and GreenStudio featured in a new book

SporaStudios and GreenStudio featured in a new book

We’re honored to be featured in this new amazing book: Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene. edited by Alexandra Toland, Jay Stratton Noller, Gerd Wessolek. CRC Press. Nov. 2018. Link to Google Books Link to Excerpt featuring SporaStudios. Chapter 4, […]

Rare Forest Project

Rare Forest Project

Project Update The Podooc Rare Forest Project was a project proposed and developed between 2014 and 2016 for Lake George Regional Park, Canaan, Maine. Unfortunately, a 2016 change in park management put an end to the project just as ground was being broken. Other locations […]

Green Studio

Green Studio

SoA Green Studio website 2010 – Present Founded by Mark Cooley and located on the grounds of the George Mason University’s Art and Design Campus, SoA Green Studio offers students a living studio in which to creatively explore the interdependence of biological and cultural systems. The […]

News on the Ground

News on the Ground


Weed Garden

Weed Garden

Many of the “weeds” gardeners hate are in fact edible and/or medicinal plants themselves. Which means, as gardeners, that we’re often in the position of pulling out hordes of near indestructible super nutritious greens only to replace them with needy delicate ones that’ll thank you […]