

materials: prints of e-mail correspondance between artist and gallery director, cd containing testemonials from laborors in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, cd player, plexiglass, reference binders containing downloads from electronics companies, and labor interest web sites, mirror printed with bar code, shelf, hardware

savings & values

savings & values

materials: digital prints, plexiglass, reference binder, mirror printed with bar codeshelf, hardware

size: 8″ X 60″

security guards

security guards: common criminals

materials: Digital prints, plexiglass, reference binder, mirror printed with bar code, shelf, hardware

size: 8″ X 70″

a mythology of boys and girls

a mythology of boys and girls

materials: photo-transfers, paint, fabric, twine
size: 10 pieces, 17.5″ x 11.5″ x 4″ each / various sizes installed

you will always be surrounded by friends

you will always be surrounded by friends

materials: reproduced mug shot of the artist, paint, photo-transfers, chalkboard, mirrors, fabric, plexiglass, & other materials

size: 15 pieces, 12″ x 10″ x 2-4″ each / 44″ x 66″ x 2-4″ installed  

I could live my life in a nutshell and declare myself king of the world had I not bad dreams

I could live my life in a nutshell and declare myself king of the world had I not bad dreams  

Produced for Beeswax, Brackish Water and Junipers, an exhibition of aesthetic representations of environmental concerns, Gray Gallery, East Carolina University.

Materials: oxygen tent, Jansen’s History of Art text, desk chair, pedestal, binder containing data detailing the environmental policies and political campaign contributions of corporations sponsoring museum exhibitions locally and nationally.