• Ordered the first atomic bomb test despite warnings from some key scientists working on the Manhattan project that an A-bomb explosion could potentially ignite the atmosphere and incinerate  the earth.

Ordered the nuclear assault on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, cities previously spared from bombing so as to provide accurate data to the US concerning the destructive power of the atomic bombs. The bombing of these so-called "virgin targets" resulted in the murder and maiming of hundreds of thousands of people. The long-term effects of radiation sickness, genetic and chromosome injury and mental trauma have been catastrophic.

Initiated the long-term use of the Nevada Test Site, which is located on traditional Shoshone land. The Western Shoshone nation has become known as the most bombed nation on earth. The 928 American and 19 British nuclear explosions in Newe Sogobia from 1951 to 1992 have been classified by the Western Shoshone National Council as bombs rather than "tests”. About 1,350 square miles of their total territory of 43,000 square miles has been destroyed by hundreds of craters and tunnels, which remain uncontrolled underground nuclear waste dumps.

Supported numerous deadly CIA operations in Greece, Philippines, Albania, China, Eastern Europe and Germany, in attempts to overthrow governments and to suppress leftist political parties and suspected dissidents. In Greece, Truman engineered a vicious US counterinsurgency war that included Napalm air strikes and the sponsorship of torture and concentration camps, while supporting the reestablishment of the rule of fascists who had sided with the Nazis during WWII. In China, the US recruited defeated Japanese troops to fight against Mao Tse-tung, who was formerly allied with the US during WWII.

• Supported the post WWII CIA employment of wanted Nazi, Italian Fascist and Japanese Imperialist war criminals, including the infamous Nazi Klaus Barbie, "the Butcher of Lyon", who was responsible for the execution of more than 26,000 people. Barbie was sheltered by the US from French authorities and later relocated to Bolivia with the help of US government officials.

• Authorized the forced removal of native inhabitants of the Marshall Islands and the destruction of their homelands by nuclear tests. Native populations were escorted from island to island, often being relocated onto highly contaminated land. The Truman administration, and later the Eisenhower and Johnson administrations, carried out a plan that intentionally returned Marshallese to islands which the US considered to be by far the most contaminated places in the world, while telling the people they were safe. Meanwhile, the Atomic Energy Commission, through the Brookhaven National Laboratory, planned and conducted systematic tests on the Marshallese to study their bodies' reaction to life in a nuclear contaminated environment. The US carried out more than 60 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. One of several hydrogen bomb tests, The Mike test, vaporized an island completely. The bomb was estimated at 10.4 megatons, or approximately 750 times larger than the Hiroshima bomb. Generations later, Islanders are still suffering with serious health effects from overexposure to radiation. Thyroid cancers are 100 times more common in the Marshall Islands than in the rest of the world.

• Initiated the so-called Korean War, resulting in an estimated 4,000,000 deaths and the firming up of the power of the murderous dictator Syngman Rhee. US actions included deliberate destruction of the country's civilian infrastructure, food deprivation strategies, many noted cases of torture, systematic killings of unarmed civilians, and covert operations to round up, imprison and execute suspected dissidents and political rivals.

Bush, George W. 2001-09

Clinton, William J. 1993-01

Bush, George H.W. 1989-93

Reagan, Ronald 1981-89

Carter, Jimmy 1977-81

Ford, Gerald 1974-77

Nixon, Richard 1969-74

Johnson, Lyndon 1963-69

Kennedy, John F. 1961-63

Eisenhower, Dwight 1953-61

Truman, Harry 1945-53